Research Technician Intern
Billion Oyster Project
July - August 2019
My fellow interns and I had a large variety of tasks. We often visited our field sites where we monitored water quality near oyster reefs and deployed instruments to collect data over a long period of time. Once data was acquired, we digitized it and graphed it. Statistical analyses were then taken for each set of values. We used one-way ANOVAs and post-hoc Tukey HSDs. Aside from water quality work, we counted oyster spat and calculated mortality rates. We also helped in a study monitoring biodiversity on oyster reefs. In that study, we caught marine animals in fish traps both on and off the reef and then counted and measured the contents. We have had a plethora of tasks ranging from small to large that have allowed us to grow as scientists.
Data Management Mentor
Billion Oyster Project
September 2018 - June 2020
I lead a small team of data managers to handle large amounts of information. We collect incoming data from the teams in the harbor SEALs program and then organize it. We have developed a system to not only file all of the incoming data but to organize the whole program as a whole. Once in digitized, the data is checked for precision and then graphed. Finally, we make sure the data is available to anyone who may need it. This position requires a great understanding of how to work with many numbers and many people. I must make sure everyone is on task and doing well, I must delegate tasks based on the strengths and weaknesses of my co-workers, and I need to oversee all of the data flow to ensure everything is running smoothly.
Data Management Captain
September 2017 - June 2018
In my second year at the harbor SEALs program, I worked as the data management captain. I found myself in this internship position because of my strength in mathematics. The data component of the program was composed of my mentor (a senior in the program) and I. I came into the position as a captain due to the fact that I had already a year of experience in the program. In this position, we digitized incoming data, organized it, and then made a final presentation of our findings to local stakeholders.
Lab Technician Volunteer
September 2016 - June 2017
This was my first year in the harbor SEALs program at the Urban Assembly New York Harbor School. My purpose at this time was mostly to help out around the lab. I had to put the gear away, clean instruments, and ask around for how I can help. This work served to help me learn how a lab runs before I take on a greater part of it. Although my position was rather nebulous, I leaned in the direction of physical-chemistry. There I worked with many water quality instruments. I learned how to calibrate them and how to acquire data
July - August 2019
September 2018 - June 2020
September 2017 - June 2018
September 2016 - June 2017